This section contains a brief overview of the XML structure of a Lexicon entry.

For users familiar with XSLT, the distributed stylesheet contains comments that may be of assistance.

The XML structure of a Lexicon entry is illustrated using the following example:

Entry XML example

To view this entry search for node 3972.

<word buck="tufolN" ar="تُفْلٌ" page="309" itype="" supp="0">
    <entryFree id="n3972" key="تُفْلٌ" type="main">
                     <orth orig="" extent="full" lang="ar">تُفْلٌ</orth>
                     <orth extent="full" lang="ar">فال</orth>
                     <orth extent="full" lang="ar">فل</orth>
                     <orth extent="full" lang="ar">فلى</orth>
                     <orth extent="full" lang="ar">تفل</orth>
                  </form>, (K,) or
      <foreign lang="ar">
            <ref cref="n3972-1" target="تَفْلٌ" n="1" type="1" subtype="WO" lang="ar" select="n3971"/>
      </foreign>, (M, accord. to the TT,) and
      <foreign lang="ar">
             <ref cref="n3972-2" target="تُفَالٌ" n="2" type="1" subtype="WO" lang="ar" select="n3976"/>
      </foreign>, (M, K,) vulgarly
      <foreign lang="ar">
          <ref cref="n3972-3" target="تِفْلٌ" n="3" type="1" subtype="WO" lang="ar" select="n3973"/>
       </foreign> and
      <foreign lang="ar">
           <ref cref="n3972-4" target="تِفَالٌ" n="4" type="1" subtype="WO" lang="ar"/>
      </foreign>, (TA,) <hi rend="ital">Spittle,</hi> or <hi rend="ital">saliva, ejected from the mouth;</hi> syn. <foreign lang="ar">بُصَاقٌ</foreign>; (M, K;) as also
      <foreign lang="ar">
           <ref cref="n3972-5" target="تَفَلٌ" n="5" type="1" subtype="WO" lang="ar" select="n3974"/>
       </foreign>: (Ibn-Abi-l- Hadeed, TA:) or it is <hi rend="ital">similar to</hi>
       <foreign lang="ar">بُصَاق</foreign>. (TA.) [See 1.] ―
             <sense type="b" n="2">-b2-</sense>  And <hi rend="ital">Froth,</hi> or <hi rend="ital">foam,</hi> (M, K,) of the sea; (TA;) and <hi rend="ital">the like thereof.</hi> (M.)
     <pb n="309"/>

It should be noted that the surrounding <word> tags are not stored in the database but are inserted as the entry is loaded. The XSLT stylesheet expects these tags to be present.


Most of the attributes are informational only whose meaning should be clear.

"supp"  value of 1 indicates the entry is from the supplement

Root entries are identified by

"type"  attribute with a value of "root"
"quasi" is also present for roots described as "Quasi"

<form> ignored

<ref> Cross reference. These are converted to links.

the presence of a "select" attribute indicates that the destination of the cross-reference has been
identifed and the  value of the attribute is the target node.

<sense> sense separator

The "type" attribute has two values:
a    denotes "an extraordinary, or a complete, dissociation."
b   "to denote a break in the relations of significations"

<pb> Page break.